jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010



Great fun, isn't it? This is one of the visual stories you can find in a group called Tell a Story in 5 Frames that anyone can join in Flickr (click here and join the group to see some examples). Aren't you looking forward to creating your own story? Why don't we do the same in this blog?
There we go!

1. Make groups of 3.
2.Put your brains together and start making up a story, but remember:
a) A title is the only words that can be used. Rely on the photographs to bring the story to life.
b) Submit a sequence of up to five photographs that create a story. Short stories of three or even one photograph are also welcome. Don't forget that the photos must be taken by yourselves.

Guidelines for telling a visual narrative story (taken from Tell a Story in 5 Frames)
There are different types of visual story telling, such as journalistic reporting, sequential photos that reveal a moment, photographic poetry, and narrative. The following guidelines are for narrative. Guidelines are not rules, so you don't have to follow them step by step.
1st photo: establish characters and location.
2nd photo: create a situation with possibilities of what might happen.
3rd photo: involve the characters in the situation.
4th photo: build to probable outcomes.
5th photo: have a surprising, though logical, end.

3.Once all the pictures are taken, upload the sequence to this blog following the steps you already know (don't forget to include the title).

4. After all of you have posted, each of you will have to respond to at least three stories (your comments will be assessed by the teacher). You can relate in your own words the story that you see, or critique the story or the photos and open the story up to discussion. Bear in mind what you already know about positive feedback and constructive criticism.

5. Vote for the two best visual stories using the poll on the right column.

  • Deadline for the visual story: until February 15th
  • Deadline for the comments: from February 15th to 20th

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